Pinterest 365 – Day 48- Photo Memory Votives

Printing on tissueCovering glass candle holders with tissue paper was a favorite craft of mine as a kid.  I love how the candle light is diffused by the tissue paper.  And when I found this tutorial that teaches you how to print your photos onto tissue paper, well, I flipped out!  I must admit I was skeptical at first, but I quickly found out how easy it actually is to do.

votive6The tutorial suggested covering regular printer paper with the tissue, but I chose to use cardstock.  It worked out fine.  Make sure the tissue paper is secure and there are no bits that could get caught as it’s going through the printer.


votive2votive3votive5Setup your picture to print as you would normally do and just run the tissue paper through the printer.  Wait until the ink is dry before you take the tissue off the cardstock.  Be gentle with your tissue photo because it is delicate paper.  I applied a thin layer of Mod Podge to the glass and votive4carefully laid the  picture on from the top to the bottom.  Bubbles will form as the paper adheres to the glue, but you can gently flatten those out with your fingers.  Use a light touch and don’t drag your finger across the photo.  The combination of glue and ink can create a bit of a mess.  Finish attaching all the pictures and let the glue dry then apply a thin layer of Mod Podge over the photos.

votive1It should be no surprise to you that I covered a glass candle holder with pictures of my dogs.  I also made a set of candle holders for a friend for Christmas, but didn’t want to post that and give away the surprise.

Until tomorrow,Grace






“I have to say I really like what the candle light does for my features?”

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