Fifty Days to 50: Favorite Apps


First of all, I’m sorry I missed yesterday.  I had every intention of writing a post, but came home from an appointment not feeling at all well.  I was afraid I was coming down the the flu, but all I needed was a good night’s sleep.  Thankfully.

So today I thought I share a couple of my favorite apps at the moment.

The first is the Libby app.  Libby is a reading app for borrowing digital books and audiobooks from your library’s OverDrive collection. This free app, created by OverDrive, is available for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch), and Windows 10 devices.  I have it installed on the iPhone and my iPad mini.  You do need to have a library card and if your library has a digital collection, you can access through the Libby app.

While I love reading actual books, it’s really handy to be able to find a digital book and begin reading right away if it’s available.  You can place books on hold and the app automatically downloads the book when it becomes available.  You have it for 3 weeks and can return it early if you want.

The other is the Brainsparker app.  “Brainsparker is a creativity app designed to spark your imagination, disrupt your routine thinking and trigger your brain to come up with new ideas and better solutions.”  It’s free to download and comes with a set of “creativity cards”.  You can add their whole pack collection for only $3.  It includes a blogger’s pack, coach’s pack, and journal, quotes and words packs.   You can set up the app to prompt you with a daily Brainspark and who doesn’t need that!  I can get stuck in a rut with my thinking and it’s nice to shake things up a bit every now and then.

Until tomorrow,






The only app I need is the one that feeds me kibble and walks me.  Oh wait, that’s you mom!


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