Fifty Days to 50: The Best Planner is the One You Actually Use

I mentioned the other day, just briefly, my obscure obsession with Composition Notebooks.  I don’t know what it is about them, but I find myself using them for everything.

For the past year, they’ve served as my go to planner notebook utilizing a bullet journal type system.  And while they don’t have a lot of bells and whistles, they’re all I seem to need at the moment.  I’ve written about my search for the “perfect” planner in the past here and here and here.

My weekly spread

Loving all the washi tape








Currently, this is the planner that I use.  Because the composition notebook paper is thin-ish, I use a gluestick to glue two pages together and then secure the edges with washi tape.  It’s my nod to mixed media and I really love the look.  The best part of all:  I use this planner EVERYDAY.  I’m trying to keep all my notes, ideas, appointments, habit trackers all in one place and this seems to be doing the trick.

My chore tracker

I sit down every Sunday evening with a ruler and my favorite pen and map out my week.  The nice part of this system is if I decide I want to add a tracker or change the different components around, I can.  I’m not locked into a particular layout.  That being said, I generally stay with the same layout, but I have changed it a bit over the past few months. I will use a book mark paper clip (a dog bone, of course) to mark the current week and can reference back if I need to previous weeks.  If I have used a two page spread for note taking or setting up a chore tracker, then I just go to the next blank two page spread and set up my next week.  As soon as I’m finished with this book, I’ll date it and open up a fresh notebook.

My Make Journal

Make Journal Index








Additionally, I’ve wanted to create a separate journal for all my projects – I call it my “Make Journal”.  I’m using a composition notebook for this as well.  I covered this one with fabric and attached a button enclosure.  I dedicated the first 5 pages as the Index section and then am designating a two page spread for each project.  One notebook with hold a total of 96 projects!!!!  I hope that’s enough lol!!!

I plan to use this as I work through the classes I’ll be taking through Craftsy/Bluprint.  I love that all my project notes will be in the same place and I’ll be able to see which ones need my attention.  At the moment I KNOW I have unfinished projects that are “out of sight, out of mind”.  I want to gather them all up, decide if I’m going to finish them and then plug them into the Make Journal.

I’d love to know what systems you use to keep track of your life/projects.  Let me know in the comments below.

Until tomorrow,





“Remember when you made me my Cubs bed?  This could have gone in your Make Journal.  Maybe you need to make me another bed just so you can add a project in for me.  Just a thought.”

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