December – A Month of Challenges

Okay this may be a reaction to the transition I’m experiencing in my life right now, but December is shaping up to be a month of a whole lot of challenges.  Fun challenges, but ones that will surely keep me on my toes.

Are you ready???  Starting today and for the next 30 days (in a later post), I will be:

Now before you think that I’ve completely lost my mind, let me point out that several of these items can be combined.  Most likely my journal post will be included in my December Daily album and the photo I take for the Photo Challenge will also be featured in the DD album.  As far as the movie reviews go, let me assure you these will not be long and involved.  Mostly they will be a couple of sentences (if that) about my impression of the movie.

So on that note… here we go.  Grace



“Okay mom, you do remember this blog is called ‘While Walking My Dogs’, right?  And you’re still going to be doing that with all this other stuff taking up your time, right?”

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